Start of working life, start of new blog journey

Looking back at my 9 months of professional training, it feels like a movie's flashback. There were times of pain (from long hours of standing and walking and stocking goods), stress (when we need to meet documents and project deadlines), fun (through my various rotations) and sense of achievement (when my group won the project presentation and how i survived delivering it in the auditorium for the first time).

Now that I have started work, it has been almost a year since I graduated, it is very different from training period - I would liken it to a boulder off my shoulder, despite having small loads thrown to me along the way. The learning journey now is fully dependent on self, with nobody to push me at the back anymore. Work everyday is very routine, except on days when i get scheduled to work overtime out of my usual work place. It is not too bad in spite of the travel as I am quite happy with my current benefits and pay. I can foresee myself staying on (at least through the 2.5 years bond) and looking for opportunities to develop myself in the company.

My work scope may not be very much of my interest or passion but I shall learn to appreciate it from a another perspective.


Update few years later...

Why I started writing this blog?

I began exploring the financial world after learning about the concept of economics and investment from a uni module. I hope to get out of the rat race and be financially independent after reading some of the financial books and blogs out there.

Year 2010 was the aftermath period of the Lehman crisis when a pretty shaken up market was struggling to recover. On hindsight, that was the perfect time to catch multi-bagger stocks should I be a veteran or at least had some basic knowledge of picking up 'gems'. My learning curve was steep then, as I have absolutely no friends or relative who could shed some light on what's investing about. Looking at my amateur posts on stock investing, I could see that I was progressing REALLY SLOWLY too...

The very first stock which I bought was ComfortDelgro, which I have divested to much regret. It was a gem indeed but I had missed its climb (through year 2014-2015). There was also Oceanus which has sunken to the abyss of the ocean before I could cut loss in a timely way.

Self-taught financial literacy is absolutely possible. My advice to the young ones out there who still have big time ahead to experience the market cycles is to test-water with various investment instruments in the market. Of course, read and know what are the instruments about and never put all eggs into one basket. Reading is borrowing wisdom from others. However, to make that wisdom truly yours, you have to do, practice and learn.

For me, I think that...

"Playing the market is like playing the rubik's cube - some do it systematically, some do it intuitively, some keep searching for the right moves and never get anywhere. "

"A thousand mile starts off with 1 step followed by 1 step at a time."

Image result for rubik's cube stock image

A disclaimer for my readers...

Please do not take my words in this blog as investment advice. Do exercise your own discretion and due diligence before acting as I would not be liable for any loses incurred.



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