Pocket Frogs - it's froggy business
Being easily addicted to games - and am not happy till I complete all the levels, I am now addicted to Pocket Frogs! Collecting frogs to get awards uses the old card-game concept, just that instead of relying entirely on sheer luck, it takes a bit of planning and organising as to the way you keep and breed your frogs. It is also something like a permutation and probability game (how that reminds me of Emaths haha). I even self constructed an excel sheet to track my frog catalog so that I know which frogs to keep for breeding and which frogs to sell. And in the process learnt a few functions such as combining different column's data into a new column and using VLookup to find matches.
For further tips about the game refer here: http://www.thonky.com/pocket-frogs/
It occurs to me that buying stocks is the same way. You need to exercise your due diligence to chart and standardise things to reach your goals, rather than relying on sheer luck. What is the chance that by random breeding, you will get the frog set you want? It is extremely low.
In playing any games, play smart. The key word here is STRATEGY.
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