In deciding whether to buy, hold or sell a stock, we need to do FUNDAMENTAL analysis. In determining the short term trend and entry point in a stock, we need to do TECHNICAL analysis and also review market sentiments. Here's my understanding on fundamental analysis and what indicators should be considered. Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Quantitative indicators: Price to earning ratio (low or high relative to competitors) Year-on-Year profit (note revenue does not mean profit) Net asset value (how much is the company's asset worth) Debt to asset ratio Dividend yield (increasing, decreasing? is the payout consistent?) Free cashflow & cashflow from operation Qualitative indicators - Understanding the business: Sources of revenues (does it earn from recurring income and not from one off from asset disposal?) Business plans and development (what acquisitions made?) Does it have a business moat? (eg. high barrier of entry, consumer cos...