Pocket Frogs - it's froggy business

Just like there is no fun in games without goals / purpose, there is no fun in life without goals / purpose. Even when playing a seemingly goal-less game for example The Sims, you would still need to create your own goals or housing grand plans to keep the game moving - unless you are happy just staying in the same sized house with the same couple of friends leading the same lifestyle. So... sometimes games can reflect real life in minis-cure scale, but that is another story that I will leave to another day to blog about. Being easily addicted to games - and am not happy till I complete all the levels, I am now addicted to Pocket Frogs! Collecting frogs to get awards uses the old card-game concept, just that instead of relying entirely on sheer luck, it takes a bit of planning and organising as to the way you keep and breed your frogs. It is also something like a permutation and probability game (how that reminds me of Emaths haha). I even self constructed an excel sheet to track my ...